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Don’t boss bitch, boss lead…

If you Google ‘Boss Bitch’ you will probably get Doja Cat’s single ‘Boss Bitch’ listed in the results and what a great track it is too!
In the track, Doja confesses to being a bitch first and boss second (against the order of the song title I may add but I can let that go), it’s the ‘Bitch’ word itself that I take umbrage to

Think about it, would our male counterparts take up a similar suffix and feel empowered by being called  a ‘Dickhead Boss’?
​Yes I know it is about context and ‘Boss Bitch’ should be seen and used as a positive colloquialism, but can we really ensure it is received that way?
What if the term is misunderstood? We run the risk of presenting as a bitchy boss, worse still, what if women who don’t truly understand the concept of ‘Boss Bitch’ just end up well, being bitch in the work place? That is not empowering women at all.
Women have come a long way in the struggle for equality and it still continues in the workplace for equal pay and equal opportunity especially for senior roles.

We need to get the right message across. Bitches don’t progress, leaders do​.
According to the FTSE Women Leaders Review 2024, progress on women’s representation on boards and leadership teams is increasing but still low in numbers. Whilst overall the representation of women in FTSE 350 leadership roles (that is,executive committee and direct reports) stands at an encouraging 35%, the number of women making it into the most influential roles remains significantly lower at just 15% of Chairs, 8% of CEOs and 18% of Finance Directors, highlighting the scale of change that is needed at the top end of business.

Woman empowerment is all about understanding your self-worth; your right to have choices; access to opportunities and the right to have power to control your own life. Maybe we should consider dropping the use of ‘BossBitch’ term altogether in respect of the 35% of women that are leading the way to influential roles

If you wish to challenge me or share your views, them feel free to drop an email to

Five tips to help you boss lead

1 You don’t always have to speak your mind Speak less and listen more. Garner the information you need to make informed decisions, you may not like what you hear but support the team during problemsolving

2 Karma is the real bitch Do watch your decorum in the work place,its no fun chewing out your colleagues on the way up only for them to remind you of your actions on your way down

3 Who wants to be intimidating? Be inviting, approachable, diplomatic – these are core skills of a strong leader. Nurture and hone your presence

4 Lose the emotion, become matter of fact when people are losing control, calm and reason will always win. Lead with the facts and leave emotion at the door

5 Demonstrate the kindness before gender we are humankind. Goodwill, empathy and grace make up human kindness. Know when to show it